Hello. My name is Philip Kuo. I am a technology entrepreneur and freelance designer who specialises in web based projects. I am currently pursuing a computer science degree at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. In the last two years, I have co-founded successful e-commerce startups, organized and managed large-scale events, and driven over 150K website pageviews. I participated in prestigious conferences internationally, and was invited to speak at TEDx events to share my stories. Today, I create and carry out things that delight at PKGamma Digital Agency, working closely together with my clients to create solutions that perform well and deliver results. I love the fact that digital technology can change lives, it makes the world better connected.
“Less is more.” - Mies. I am a true minimalist, I believe that great designs are often simpler designs. My obsession is crafting stunning, intuitive user experiences that ensure audiences reach their goals with ease.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
- Albert Einstein