
Our speakers


Overture: Introduction 序曲

Admission 報到

Exposition: A world re-imagined 呈示部:劃破疆界

Liping Yeh 葉麗萍 (mom) & Aurora Ulani Jacobsen

Mountain View


Gloria Liping Yeh and her German husband Hodger Jacobsen gave up their lives as teachers to sail around the world on a catamaran for eight years with their one and a half year-old daughter Aurora Ulani Jacobsen. 10 year-old Aurora has spent every one of her ten birthdays in a different country and now her family lives in the north of Germany in a small village. Gloria and Aurora will be sharing their unique life experience with “the sea as cradle and the world as classroom.”

Martin Huang 黃千碩

Mountain View


Martin is a passionated traveler who finished traveling all around the world by the age of 28, he is a “2014 Ten Outstanding Taiwanese Youth‘ nominee, and a fervent activist. He is now planing to build the Wold Heritage Center here in Taiwan, and its his biggest dream to get the UNESCO’s attention for his project.

Jenny Huang 黃有鈺

Mountain View


Jenny Huang is a teacher who is making huge impact among her students. She had been a teacher of Model United Nation for seven years. She hope to teach students the importance of building deeper empathy and ending discrimination through MUN, and she hopes to make this world a better change through her career.

Tiffany Chang 張庭瑜

Mountain View

張庭瑜就讀曉明女中,她是國際事務研究社的一員,是一位相當活躍的模聯咖,也曾兩度參與外交小尖兵選拔活動。她喜歡閱讀與電影。她相信“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… it is our choices.”

Tiffany Chang is a junior studying at Stella Matutina Girls’ Senior High School. She’s part of the International Affairs Study Club at school, a two-time participant of the Teen Diplomatic Envoys Competition and a MUNer. She enjoys reading and watching movies in her free time. She believes in the quote, “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… it is our choices.”

Cadenza: 裝飾奏

Playing For Taiwan 奏出福爾摩沙

Mountain View


Playing for Formosa is a group of musicians dedicated to bringing music, art and beauty into the daily lives of people in Taiwan and spread goodwill, love and compassion. They hope to merge social welfare with the healing beauty of music and art; to revive appreciation of the richness of aboriginal cultures in Taiwan by celebrating the simple joy of sharing music; to foster an open communion by connecting musicians with rural communities, villages, and young and elderly generations of people alike.

Development: Becoming you 發展部:航向自我

Yale Lee 李岳儒

Mountain View


Mr.Yale Lee and his brother started their own enterprise—Lilee Systems in California.The small Taiwanese company now became the leading provider of Positive Train Control for the U.S. railroad industry. In the U.S., three of the seven largest railroad companies have adopted Lilee Systems’ products constituting market coverage of 70%. being located in Silicon Valley Lilee knows how to take advantage of the the surplus sources around them and creates its own value.

Philip Kuo 郭力銘

Mountain View

郭力銘是一位對生命充滿熱情的高中生,自年幼即開始自學網頁撰寫,並於九歲時建立了個人網站。力銘於國中畢業後參與交換學生計畫至美國擴展視野,獨自在異鄉的一年使他變得更獨立也更有上進之心。他也成力了 “Philip 的美國交換學年” 部落格,紀錄他在異國求學所遇到的酸甜苦辣,甚至開發了部落格app。即使他身為台灣的高中生需要面對許多壓力,他還是積極的為自己的夢想努力,不被教育體制束縛。

Philip Kuo is a high school student who has strong passions in life. He picked up web-developing skills at an early age, managed to create his first personal website at an age of 9. Philip spent a year in the US as an exchange student after he graduated from junior high school, he became more independent, self-motivated and innovative after then. Philip shared his personal experience in his blog “Phil’s America Exchange Year”, and even developed a mobile app of it. Being a high school student in Taiwan might be stressful, but his passion of fulfilling his dream makes everything possible.

Emily Lee 李傳惠

Mountain View


Emily Lee is a junior at Stella Matutina Girl’s High School. She’s part of the Model United Nations team at school and has been training in the swimming team since four. She also love writing Chinese calligraphy, reading, traveling, and running, and enjoy these moments of solitude. She believe that believing in our own potential and exploring new boundaries is a way to change traditional beliefs and society trends by our own actions.

Veronica Yen 維若妮卡

Mountain View

旅歐美女鋼琴家維若妮卡(Veronica Yen),畢業於倫敦皇家音樂院鋼琴演奏碩士,師從傅聰夫人卓一龍教授,並成為波蘭鋼琴名家Janusz Piotrowitz(倫敦皇家愛樂的指揮)的唯一私人學生,多次在國際大賽中獲得第一名。大學在英國愛丁堡大學,攻讀藝術史、建築史。旅歐期間巡演於國際各音樂廳、藝術節,也與許多世界知名音樂家、樂團合作。她曾獲頒為海外優秀青年並受歐洲大使與英國愛丁堡市長接⾒。她並不是從小接受嚴格訓練的鋼琴家,但她勇敢追逐夢想的決心讓他突破了種種音樂道路上的瓶頸,成為了傑出的音樂家。

Graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London with ‘Distinctions’ in her recitals, Veronica is much appreciated by her sensitive, creative and emotionally engaging performances. While studying Art History and Architecture History at Edinburgh University, Veronica won various piano competitions including the 1st prize and contemporary music award at the International Students’ Piano Competition in Holland. As a result of her musical achievements, Veronica was named one of the 'Best Youth Overseas' by the Taiwanese Government.

Recapitulation: Back to the start 再現部:回到起點

Wallace 阿樂

Mountain View


Universal Music Group producer, Wallace, is a music storyteller. He has been nominated for multiple Chinese Grammy award, and have worked with big names such as Jody Chiang and Richie Jen.He is not only a music producer who surrounds himself with computers and machines, he takes his music and its stories closer to his audience by holding more then 200 music lectures and performance over the past years.

Jimmy Wang 王資閔

Mountain View

旅美小提琴家,王資閔四歲開始習琴,畢業於新英格蘭音樂院及克里夫蘭音樂院。2002代表台灣參加國際青少年柴可夫斯基小提琴比賽,也多次在許多音樂大賽中獲得第一名,更是Paul Rolland Memorial Competition 首獎得主。資閔是一個擁有許多理想的音樂家,成立了為“福爾摩沙而奏”,希望為我們的家帶來更多美與感動。

Graduated from New England Conservatory and Cleveland Institute of Music, Jimmy Wang is an outstanding violist who’ve won many music competitions including first price at the Paul Rolland Memorial Competition. Jimmy co-founded “Playing for Formosa” to promote curiosity and emotional exploration through music. He wish to bring music, art and beauty into the daily lives of people in Taiwan and spread goodwill, love and compassion in our community.

Sean Chou 周子翔

Mountain View


Sean is a junior at Wagor Senior High School. He is the president of Wagor Model United Nations Club and one of the student ambassadors for Taiwan Model United Nations Development Association. In his free time, he loves to surf…… the web, especially the website Reddit, to find inspirations or mind-blowing topics. He believes that hackers will be the most powerful people in the future and encourages everyone to learn about hacking to the point where you can at least protect yourself. He is convinced that no one but you can define your own success. After his trip to India, he felt more alive than ever and learned that true happiness really does come from the direct interactions between people instead of materialism.

Joanne Chen 九萬

Mountain View

陳楚安(九萬),生於台北,14歲隻身赴美,旅居紐約10年,曼哈頓音樂院鋼琴演奏學士文憑、紐約大學鋼琴演奏碩士文憑,並曾任紐約大學鋼琴講師。2012年開始經營『九萬流浪的理由 90.000 Reasons to Wonder』部落格及臉書專頁,現在擁有自由文字/音樂創作者、淡江高中音樂班鋼琴老師、音樂教室班主任、鋼琴伴奏、女人迷Womany作者、『Youtube古典音樂經典影片博覽會』臉書專頁小編 …等多重身份。喜歡說走就走、喜歡和陌生人相遇、喜歡做不一樣的事情、喜歡分享、喜歡和自己對話;相信生命中每個路過的靈魂都是導師,相信文字和音樂可以帶來改變的力量。

Joanne Chen was born in Taiwan, and moved to New York at age 14. Graduated from Manhattan school of Music with a degree in piano performance, she also received a master degree from New York University in 2013. She was a lecturer at New York University beforee coming back to Taiwan. She started her blog『九萬流浪的理由 90.000 Reasons to Wonder』in 2012 and is now a freelance writer/musician, music teacher and piano accompanist. Joanne loves to travel and meet new people. She believes that every person we encounter in life are all our mentors. She also believes that music and words can make this world a better place.


Coda: Closing 尾奏